Establish an Online Presence for Your Niche Art Marketing Efforts

This week’s video introduces Step Three in 7 Steps to a Niche Art Marketing Strategy. 


Weekly Video Recap:  Establish Your Online Presence 

This step aims to create an online space to showcase your art and connect with your target audience. This space will serve as your home base, where you direct people from your marketing efforts such as through social media or QR codes at events. Setting this up sooner rather than later is crucial for your niche marketing efforts. 

Your Options for Setting Up a Platform for your Art Business 

The term “platform” can refer to various things—it might be your entire website, a part of your website, or even an online portfolio that functions as a website. The key is to have a space that effectively shares information about you and your art.

What if You Already Have a Website?  

If you already have a website or platform that works for you, you’ll want to build on it as we move forward in our process.  

Soon, we’ll discuss the essential elements of every platform. Until then, review your current online presence or start building your platform. Remember, your online space should showcase the quality and creativity of your art.

Resources From This Video

7 Steps to a Niche Marketing Strategy – Free Guide 

Artwork Archive 

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