How to Write an Artist About Page

This week’s video is about building your artist About page. If you’re an artist working on having an effective web presence, this is a strategic component.

Weekly Video Recap

Why Your Artist About Page Matters for Marketing

Your About page isn’t just a collection of random facts; it’s a powerful tool to connect with your audience. When someone is curious about you as an artist, this is the first place they’ll look. It’s your personal spotlight, and it should reflect your story, goals, and the unique vision behind your work.

Think of this page as part of your broader marketing strategy.   As you craft this narrative, you’ll need to consider your ideal audience.

Tips for Writing Your About Page

Engaging Introduction 

Start with the basics—your name, artistic discipline, and a brief introduction. If relevant to your audience, include where you’re from or based. Keep it engaging right from the beginning to draw readers in.

Your Story 
Your story is where your personality comes through. Share your journey as an artist—how you started, important experiences, and the moments that shaped your artistic career. Make this section personal and relatable to connect with your audience more deeply.

Your Vision
What drives your creative process? Talk about your artistic philosophy, themes you explore, and why you create your work. This will help people understand the emotion and purpose behind your pieces.

Your Work 
Get into the specifics of what you create. Discuss the materials, techniques, or processes that make your work unique. This will help buyers, curators, and galleries appreciate your art’s distinct qualities.

Your Accomplishments 
Briefly mention any notable exhibitions, awards, or recognitions. If your work is featured in collections or represented by galleries, include that information here.

Add at least one high-quality photo of yourself, ideally in your studio or while working. Images of you add a personal touch and help potential buyers or collaborators feel more connected to you.

Call to Action 
Don’t leave your visitors hanging—invite them to explore your portfolio, sign up for your newsletter, or follow you on social media. Make it easy for them to stay engaged.

The video also discusses how your artist statement and bio fit in and some other tips for building and maintaining this page.

An Essential Page

Your About page is essential to your artist website and marketing strategy. When done right, it connects you and your work with your audience.


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