What You Need to Know About Your Artist Blog Categories

Your blog posts have to have a Category – a word or short phrase that describes your post topic.

For instance, on Artisan Advantage, my Categories include things like Artist Blogging 101, Resources, and Events. You can see a full list of my Categories in the right-hand sidebar of my website.  

Make a list of Categories that you think makes sense for your blog.  Try to avoid long phrases, and try to limit the number of Categories as this will look neater in your sidebar and be easier to manage.

Most blogging platforms will have a default Category such as Uncategorized.  Remove or rename this one.  General Might be a better term for posts that don’t fit within any of your main categories.

Here are some common Category names used on artist blogs.

New Work





If you work in various media, you could have a category for each type.  If you paint different types of subject matter, you could have a category for every kind of subject that you paint.

Tips on Setting Up Categories

Set up your Categories before you start posting so that they are ready to go.  You can always add or edit them as you go.

Be thoughtful about your Categories.  Category names should be logical and not made-up or clever names. They are essential navigation links, so treat them accordingly.

Try to avoid long phrases.  Most Categories are one to four words.

Try to limit the number of Categories as this will look neater in your sidebar and be easier to manage.

For more information on how to start and maintain an artist blog, follow along with Artist Blogging 101

For help with your artist blog, visit my Artist Blogging Services page.

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