It’s time to talk about the what and why of blogging for a visual art business.
What is a blog?
The word blog is short for “web” and “log”. It is simply a website updated with new content regularly.  Typically written in an informal or conversational style, a blog is an excellent way to share the story of your work. By doing this, you can build a relationship with an audience of fans and collectors.
Who should start a blog?
Every artist, no matter their medium or stage of career, can benefit from setting up a blog. It is by far one of the easiest ways to get exposure for your work and to build an audience for your work.
Here’s the good news.
You don’t have to be an expert or a professional writer to start a blog. As an artist, images of your work will be the focal point of your blog. You can then communicate with readers and write about your work in an authentic style and voice. In other words, you can be you. Your readers are looking to get to know about you, the artist, and the stories behind the work.
What if I already have a website?
Most web building platforms offer a blogging feature, and it should not be too difficult to activate it.  If your website is very outdated or, for some reason, does not offer this feature, I’ll be sharing ways that you can get one up and running over the coming weeks.
How long will it take to build a successful blog?
I’m not going to lie to you, but blogging takes time and can be frustrating. It isn’t enough to set up a blog, write a couple of posts, and think your business will change overnight.  And in the beginning, you might be doubtful because you don’t get much traffic. You will probably get a little frustrated at how much time it can take to do a simple task. You may get overwhelmed or lose your motivation. I think many artists quit blogging because they don’t stick with it long enough.  If you want to start a blog that drives sales for your art business, you need to work at it consistently for at least 12-18 months.
So, how do you decide what to write about on your blog?
Start with the art.  If you have quality images of your artwork, then you already have plenty of content that you can use. Eventually, I will recommend you put together a content strategy.  For now, take ten to fifteen minutes a day to get in the habit of writing. Write about the stories behind your work, or show them what you are doing in the studio. Write about whatever it is that you think your readers might want to know. The important thing is to get into motion. You don’t have to spend a ton of time at it, but if you make it a consistent daily practice, it will become effortless.
You can access a list of starter blog posts ideas for artists here on my Resources page.
Take one image of your work every day for the next five days and write something about it. Please write it down in whatever format you prefer. I want you to get into the practice of writing about your work. If you want to share it with me, send it to Â
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Next Up
I’ll explain how blogging can drive all of your marketing efforts.