Artist Blogging 101:  Outline Your Goals

Now that we’ve outlined the role that your blog plays in your marketing system, it’s time to get ready to build it.

Before you invest time in building a blog for your art business, you should take some time to consider what the purpose of your blog is?  What goals do you want to accomplish for your business through blogging?

Your primary intent is likely to communicate with people interested in learning more about you and your work.  However, If you have a vision for your art business (and you should!), then your blog’s primary purpose should be moving you closer to that vision.

If you’re not sure what the primary purpose of your blog should be, ask yourself these questions.

What made you want to create an artist blog in the first place?  What was your first thought as to why it could benefit your business?

How do you want your blog to impact you as an artist?  

How do you think a blog could improve your art business?  What are you hoping it does for you? 

What does your art business look like five years from now?  What success would you have with your business between now and then? 

How do you want your blog to affect your followers? 

How do you want your income to change because of your blog? 

Is there a specific project that you want to share with this blog?  

Is there a niche that you would like to establish yourself in with this blog? 

These questions should help you outline what goals you would like to accomplish with your artist blog.  As you begin to set up your blog, keep these goals in mind.  They may determine how you set up your blog, the kinds of pages that it includes, and the content that you share with your audience.

Assignment:  Outline three goals that your artist blog could help you to accomplish.  Send me an email at and let me know what your goals are.  

Photo by S O C I A L . C U T on Unsplash


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