Once you build a blog-based website built, you need to develop a content strategy. The more frequent and relevant content you provide makes your blog a vital dynamic hub for your art business.

By putting a little thought and upfront planning into this process, you can set a system in place that provides you with a steady stream of content. This new blog post series, Artist Blogging Ideas, will feature specific ideas and examples of blog content artists can use to build their blog.

Blogging Around a Holiday

This first post is going to focus on blogging around a holiday. When planning content for your artist blog, don’t forget to plan some around the holidays. You might not hit every holiday, but consider which ones might make sense for your work. The big end-of-year holidays are obviously blog-worthy. You will want to share ideas with people interested in gifting your art, special sales, or holiday events where you are participating. But, there are more holidays to than the “big ones” to consider.  

Inside Look at the St. Patrick’s Day Post 

Don’t Overlook Other Holidays and Observances

In the case of Robert Yonke Art, we recently created a blog post for St. Patrick’s Day. Robert has a collection of work based on travel through Ireland, so it’s not a stretch to feature this art at this time of the year. Last year, he wrote a series called A Tour of Ireland.  This most current post features work that he did not include in the series last year. It’s relevant to the holiday, and brings attention once again to this collection.

Notes on this post. 

It is relevant to his art collection based upon travels to Ireland.

The featured art is not new. Some of Robert’s other collections have almost sold out, but this one still has a good amount available for sale. You can always reference work done in the past.  

It’s not all about the art. If you notice in the series from last year, there were recommendations to some businesses and places in Ireland.

Notice it references and links back to the original series on Ireland from last year, in case a reader missed it.  

Why this post? 

Last year’s series of posts on this subject resulted in selling one original piece of art and several prints. Interestingly, the client was initially interested in a piece from the Ireland art but then purchased work from a different collection. But, a sale is a sale, and this is how it works sometimes.

Tips for writing a holiday post.

Keep it authentic. Make sure your post connects to the holiday in some way. Sure, you can put up a “Happy New Year” post, but it’s better if you can relate your work or topic directly to the holiday.

Plan ahead. I like to map content out with a content calendar a year in advance and then revisit every quarter.    

Use a resource like this list of holidays and observances to help come up with ideas.  

Share Your Ideas

Do you have a blog post that is written around a holiday that you could share?  Or, another great idea for an artist blog topic?  Drop me a line at becky@artisan-advantage.com.

Would you like a list of  ideas for your artist blog?   Sign up for my email newsletter here and I’ll send one to you as a thank-you!

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