Art | Is | An | Advantage 

Create Send

Your Communication Partner

Elevate Your Creative Business with a

Tailored Communication Stragey

Are you a busy artist, creative business owner, or organization struggling to find the time to consistently communicate with your collectors, clients and professional contacts? 

Consider Create Send – a  comprehensive service designed to help you stay in touch with your audience, build relationships, and share your story through an engaging communication strategy.  

Create Send Monthly 

Create Send Monthly is a monthly service and recommended for professional artists who are finding that their careers are taking off, which is great, but not allowing them time to maintain the regular communication.

Create Send Lite

is a one time session designed to help emerging artist who could benefit from advice on set-up, structure and improvements to current communication campaigns.



Create Send Benefits


Enhance your professional image with professionally written and designed email campaigns and blog posts.


Keep your contacts updated about your accolades, new work and projects.  You will no longer worry about your message reaching key contacts consistently. 


Write it once – use it again and again.  Once you have a working communications system, you will be able to draw on it time and time again when asked about your work, whether it is in a personal setting, through social media or from the media. 

Save time 

Free up your time to focus on your creative endeavors, while keeping in touch and building relationships with your client base.

How Do I Know if Create Send is right for me? 

Ready to take your marketing to the next level? Schedule a 15 minute call today to learn how the  Create Send service can help your creative business thrive.

Success Stories

Read about how my Create Send service helps Patterns of Meanings keep their growing audience up to date on the latest news and developments for their projects.

Patterns of Meaning 

Read about how artist Robert Yonke used my Create Send service to grow his art business with different niche audiences.

Robert Yonke Art 

"In non pulvinar purus. Curabitur nisi odio, blandit et elit at, suscipit pharetra efficitur elit. Luctus lectus non quisque turpis bibendum posuere. Morbi tortor nibh, fringilla sed pretium sit amet."

John Teh
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