A few weeks ago, I asked you to commit to art marketing and building a web presence for fifteen minutes every day.  If you need ideas on how to spend this time, here are fifteen specific things that you could do during those fifteen-minute time blocks.   

Fifteen Things an Artist Can do Consistently To Build a Web Presence 

1 – Brainstorm ideas for future blog posts.

2 – Work on rough outlines and edits for blog posts.  

3 – Check in on your social media accounts and interact with followers.  

4 – Add links and drop images into your blog posts.

5 – Make a list of keywords for your blog posts.  

6 – Publish a blog post and share it on all of your social media platforms.

7 – Review your online gallery and make sure that all of your work is up to date.

8 – Organize information for your email newsletter.

9 – Work on a rough draft of your email newsletter.

10 – Optimize and drop images and links into your email newsletter.

11 – Do a final edit and send your email newsletter out.

12 – Brainstorm ideas for press releases.

13 – Start creating a list of potential media contacts for your press release.

14 – Write your press release.

15 – Send your press release out to relevant media contacts.

This list is just a snapshot of different tasks you can work on in fifteen minutes a day. It is not comprehensive, and you will undoubtedly have ideas about moving things forward that are unique to your business. 

You need a system. 

Of course, you can’t do all fifteen every day. The key is to have a system that allows you to work progressively through these tasks as appropriate to meet your business goals.  One way I like to explain how an efficient art marketing system can work is to use the analogy of a wheel.  

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