Here are some art marketing ideas for your Monday morning.

Ten Art Marketing Ideas

1  – Cultivate patrons.  You can use a platform like Patreon or set something up right from your own site.  Patrons pay a certain amount each month in exchange for free lessons, the first look at new art, or simply supporting an artist they love.

2 – Does your work lend itself to a coloring page?  Create pages and offer them as free downloads in exchange for joining your email newsletter.  Then, encourage people to post completed pages on social media while tagging you.

3 – Pitch an idea for stories involving your art to a local morning or special-interest news shows in your town.   Offer an interesting idea, and you are likely to get asked to appear.

4 – Have you invited ALL your Facebook friends to like your business page?  Don’t overlook this step.  You’ll be surprised at the support you receive.  Then, encourage them to share it with other friends.

5 – Submit your work for a profile in an art magazine.  Then, once they publish about you and your art, share the news far and wide through all of your channels.

6 – Pre-build a press list for future press releases.  Having a list ready to go makes it easier when you are ready to share the news.  You can include all kinds of media, including newspapers, blogs, and podcasts to your list.  Just make sure the list includes places where YOUR audience hangs out.

7 – Feature your best work from 2020 over the last ten days of the year on social media and blog posts.  This way, if your followers missed a great piece, they’ll have another opportunity to see it.

8 – Not to discourage you from having your own website…but if you don’t have one yet, and want to get selling online – a quick way to do this is with SquareUp  You can set up your own “storefront” and create a purchase link to share directly in email or social media posts.

9 – Be clear and consistent with your pricing.  Post it on your website.  Some people don’t like to ask about the price, and you might miss out on a sale if someone is afraid to ask.

10 – Don’t stop networking.  Can you attend a virtual networking event?  Many chambers and business groups are doing them virtually.

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