Monday Morning Marketing Ideas is a new weekly blog post series to offer ideas that you might use in your business.  These ideas will cover a wide variety of medium and marketing methods.  Some may seem a little crazy.  Others, you might say, now why didn’t I think of that?  These are ideas that pop into my head or come across my desk as I work through the week.  I don’t always have time to write a full blog post on the subject, but I thought they might be worth sharing.

This series was supposed to start last Monday, but a power outage delayed the first post:/ Some of these ideas involve the holidays, so get busy!

10 Art Marketing Ideas for a Monday Morning

1 – Create a series of work as a unique product that would interest your target market.  Can you take a favorite image and turn it into a cool t-shirt?  Or, can you sculpt a series of functional artwork?  I saw an artist recently who painted a series of crystal balls.  She offered them as limited edition pieces of art.  Get creative and think of a fun series of work you would like to create as a unique offering to your collector base.  Then, once the series is ready, share it through all of your marketing channels.

2 –  Do you feel stuck in a rut with the cancellation of live events?  Skim sites such as CaFÉ or Artcall regularly, looking for interesting opportunities that might be a good fit for your work.  You might be surprised at the spaces or communities that you discover.  Do this consistently.  Once you score an opportunity, make sure you publicize with press releases and blog and social media posts.

3 – Are you a portrait painter?  Do you take commissions for people, houses, or pets?    With permission, ask clients if you can put up a blog post about your projects. Share the post on social media and tag your clients.  They might share your work with friends and family, directing people back to your site.  Also, consider including sketches and work in progress pieces along with the final portrait.

4 – Do you create something that would make a perfect holiday gift?  Did you know that many media outlets are currently looking for suggestions for their gift guides?  Sign up for HARO and get PR Opportunities delivered to your inbox daily.  Then, check the list for opportunities and pitch when appropriate.

5 – Prepare to take part in Small Business Saturday Hat tip to Score for this handy list.  I like the idea of researching local media outlets that typically promote this date.  Then, reach out for some media love.

6  – Gift certificate and gift card purchases increase a lot this time of year.  Consider offering the sale of gift certificates, encouraging people to gift your art.

7 – Submit your work to the Art in Embassies program. Established by the United States Department of State in 1964, the ART In Embassies Program is a global museum that exhibits original works of art by U.S. citizens in the public rooms of approximately 180 American diplomatic residences worldwide.  Entry into the artist registry is free.   Then, don’t forget to announce your addition into the registry.

8 – Update your website to create a “holiday appeal” around your art.  Adjust your copy to entice people looking for holiday gifts.  When fitting, share images of your work or product in a holiday setting.

9 – Consider sending a small end of year appreciation gift to your best clients.  You don’t have to break the bank.  It could be a selection of your greeting cards, a small print or other item.  They will appreciate knowing that you appreciate them!

10 – Do you send out a regular email newsletter?  Make sure you are encouraging your followers to subscribe via all of your social media platforms regularly.

Do you have a marketing idea that you’d like to share?  Send it to

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