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Here are some marketing ideas for your Monday morning.

Six Art Marketing Ideas

1 – When listing images of your work on e-commerce sites such as Etsy or even your own website, make sure that your lighting and the way you photograph them are consistent. There are apps such as Vsco to help you with this.  

2 – If you are actively seeking commission work, dedicate a page on your website for these projects.  Include terms of working with you and images and stories about commission work that you have done in the past with testimonials.

3 – Sometimes people get home and a piece doesn’t work in the space they thought it would. Let your clients know that if they change their minds about a purchase, they can return the artwork for a full refund minus the cost of shipping and handling.  Robert Yonke offers this for his work. In the history of working with him, we’ve had two return art.  In both cases, they exchanged the work rather than asking for a refund.  As a result, people may be more comfortable making a large purchase, knowing that if they get it home and have a change of heart, they can return it.

4 – Be familiar with the places you can market your art in your region. What spaces exist for you to show and sell your art? The spaces can include public spaces like museums and libraries, commercial galleries, and other businesses that feature artists. Keep track of these places and ones that might be a fit for your work. Meet the people who run them.  Then, stay in touch so that you stay on top of opportunities that might be a fit for your work. 

5 – Don’t forget to use tagging in your marketing. Tags are the search keywords that people use to find your art. You can tag your work in many places, including social media, your blog, and e-commerce sites. Tagging your work helps bring it to the top of search results on the platforms you are using and search engines.  

6 – Are you stuck? Sometimes, taking a break from marketing isn’t a bad thing either. Consider a creativity vacation.  

Learn More

Monday Morning Marketing Ideas is a weekly blog post series to offer ideas that you might use in your business. Thoughts provided cover a wide variety of medium and marketing methods. Some may seem a little crazy. Others, you might say, now why didn’t I think of that? These are simply ideas that pop into my head or come across my desk as I work through the week. I don’t always have time to write an entire blog post on the subject, but I thought they might be worth sharing. 

For even more ideas and information, join my weekly newsletter here. 

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